Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Midnight Dream:

Enjoy the E-Bikes!

Electric Bikes:

Wonderful Metal Mirror!

My Midnight Dream:

Your own Herbal Shampoo!

Philately in Kerala

Philately for Cardiac Cure!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Enjoy the E-Bikes."

We are going to face an acute shortage of fossil fuels like petrol,diesel etc in the near future.But the immense usage of these kind of transportation can't be avoided simply because it is out of stock.So we have to adopt new technology for using this kind of light vehicles and small cars. The main drawback of electric bikes are its limited speed.Normally it is 25 KM/Hour.This has to be enhanced upto 50 or 60 KMs/hour.
In India electric passenger vehicles are hardly available in the market.The pro-monopolistic central government is a hurdle in issuing licenses to more and more E- Bike/car factories. In addition to it, the narrow minded political leaders, who are insincerely raising hue and cry in the name of farmers are a tumbling block towards the rapid way industrialization.Industry and agriculture are the inseparable parts of a developing nation.The agriculture provides infrastructure and food for the industries.In lieu of it, industry provides employment and products for the welfare and income of the society.Certainly the entrepreneur has to get profit. So naturally a smooth and clam industrial atmosphere has to be ensured with better labour management relationship.
In the world, the renewable energy like solar power , bio- etc can be abundantly used for running the light vehicles and small cars.Rapid research and developments also has to boosted.By using this kind of renewable energy air pollution, menace of global warming etc can be effectively checked.The large scale motor industries have to turn their attention to produce cost effective and fuel efficient solar or electric cars and bikes in the immediate future. the cost of it must be affordable. Tax reduction can be applied to this kind of industries. Then a large portion of the commuters will turn towards this kind of Eco-vehicles.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Revolution of "LED"blubs in lighting process

Now a days, we are more cautious about the global warming. Today energy is as valuable as that of the "Yellow metal"- gold and platinum.So the crying need of the hour is to adopt more effective ways to reduce the spending of electric energy.Atomic energy is not cheap as that of hydro power and solar power. By the cost of an atomic energy, we can easily build three or more big hydro electric power generators.But both will create environmental problems in the area.
In lieu of it, we can replace all the candescent bulbs with the new LED bulbs.These LED bulbs will takes only 3watt power while the 60watt power of the candescent bulbs.We can easily calculate the energy saved by adopting this simple method.There are more than 15 billion candescent bulbs in the world. It will take 15Billion * 60 * 5 (average time of burning per day).If all these bulbs are replaced with LED bulbs of 3watt,then the energy needed is only 15 Billion*3*5. This huge savings of energy from the consumption will save the globe from warming.
Huge amount of money also can be saved .Governments of all countries should make urgent legislation for replacement of filament bulbs.At the same time subsidies have to be given to purchase the new bulbs (light emitting diode bulbs).